How to Create Events

Connected Caregiver provides a convenient events calendar feature to help coordinate upcoming events with your Care Circle. We designed our “Events” function to be similar to other mobile calendars you may use.  What we have sought to do is create a dedicated place where everything related to caring for your Loved One can exist. That way, key appointments or messages don’t get lost amongst the other details of daily life. And there is one place anyone in the Care Circle can go for the latest details on anything (appointments, updates, messages, medications, key documents…) related to caregiving for your Loved One.

To create a new event, follow the instructions below. For assistance finding or editing an existing event, click here to jump to the relevant article.

  • From the Home or Events page (bottom navigation), click the blue circular plus button
  • Enter an event title & any applicable noteNotes can be used to add additional detail or description to the event ahead of time (for example "Remember to ask the doctor about medication side effects), or can be edited to add additional details after the event has occurred (for example the outcome of a doctor visit)
  • Select a date & a start and end time for the event
  • If applicable, turn on location and enter in an address
  • If applicable, turn on vitals tracking and select the type of vital
  • If applicable, turn on and define the recurrence (i.e. daily, weekly, etc.)
  • If applicable, invite existing care circle members and set a reminder time
  • Select “Save” in the top right corner of the app