Types of Connected Caregiver Profiles

  • Primary Caregiver: You are the person who has primary responsibility for the care of your Loved One (might be actually doing the caregiving or simply coordinating it). This may include safety monitoring (via Emergency Button) and/or health monitoring (tracking blood pressure or weight, for example). As the Primary Caregiver within Connected Caregiver, you have the ability to invite and manage other members (for example, siblings, friends of the Loved oneā€¦) of the Care Circle.
  • Secondary Caregiver: You are monitoring the safety and/or health vitals of someone else, but are not the Primary Caregiver. As a Secondary Caregiver, you were invited to join the care circle by the Primary Caregiver. Depending on permissions assigned by the Primary, you are able to view/modify/update the features of Connected Caregiver (for example, view medications, vitals measurements, etc).
  • Loved One: You are the one who is being cared for. This may include basic coordination of care or more specific monitoring of your safety and health. The Care Circle is made up of those who have a part in helping you stay safe and healthy (for example, adult children, spouse, etc).  Connected Caregiver is an app allowing the Care Circle to communicate and coordinate care. You are the one whose safety and/or health vitals are being monitored by a Caregiver.
  • Self Monitoring: You are monitoring your own safety and/or health vitals. You may or may not have other Secondary Caregivers in your Care Circle, but and acting as your own Primary Caregiver.